Lee Siu Hin(李小轩)is the founder and general manager of E-TeamMed (天母斯信息技术). He holds two Master's degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Pomona, CA USA with MS Engineering (Aerospace) and Master’s in Public Administration).

The company was formed in 2008, register in Beijing, office in Wuxi, planning to establish R&D office in Shanghai and Beijing by end of 2012.

In 2010, Lee and his project had received Wuxi “Project 530” award—one of the highest honor to the start-up hihj-tech scientist in China.
联系人:李小轩 手机:13621942827 电话:(010)8282-6229 QQ:1417934672
地址:北京市海淀区东北旺北京中关村软件园孵化器2号楼2240D174 上海市场杨浦区国定路323号 复旦创业中心三号楼9层B区200433
天母斯信息技术(北京)有限公司 E-TeamMed All Rights Reserved. 网站备案相关信息